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September 29, 2016

Shocks and Struts

Shocks and struts play a big role in your Chevys stability and control. Your Chevy being stable means that it will stop, turn and swerve at the moment you need it to. Your shocks and struts are designed to handle every single wheel and body movement and react in the proper manner. They also help keep the suspension balanced and provide proper ride height.

Suspension components that are past their life cause the vehicle to react differently and greatly decrease the performance in stopping, turns and swerving away from danger. The reduced performance will make it much more difficult for the driver to maintain control causing possible oversteering corrections trying to compensate for the suspension not controlling your Chevy as it should.

Research has shown that even one worn shock will increase the stopping distance on your Chevy. If your front shocks are worn, this will cause the front of your Chevy to nose dive and raise the rear of the car up. This causes the rear tires to lose some contact on the road reducing their ability to stop your Chevy in a short distance. This can be as much as a 20% increase in stopping distance.

Worn shocks or struts can be usually diagnosed with the following symptoms:

- Front or rear travel of the vehicle during hard braking or acceleration

- Leaning to side while taking corners

- Longer bounces over bumps and dips in the road

- Unusual wear of your tires

- Vehicle bottoming out

If your Chevy is experiencing any one of these symptoms, please have your nearest trusted repair facility perform and thorough inspection. Shocks and struts should be inspected on a yearly basis at minimum. Replacing suspension components at the first sign of wear will help maintain the performance of your Chevy and also keep from other components from failing prematurely trying to compensate.

The Tire Industry Association (TIA) California Tire Dealers Association Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA)