

We Buy and Sell New, Used, and Reconditioned Used Chevy Rims

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January 19, 2016

Silver Differences

Stock OEM Chevy wheels come in various finishes. Powder coating and painting are two of the more common finishes. Both have a variety of colors that could be applied to the wheel. The most common color is silver. There are many shades and types of silver and because of this; some can be difficult to distinguish from one another. OEM Chevy wheels that are colored silver have different names as in Argent, Hyper Silver, Medium Silver, Sparkle Silver, or Titanium Silver.

Several people have heard of sparkle, hyper silver, standard or just plain silver finishes on their factory original Chevy rims. These finishes were originally produced as OEM parts for companies such as Chevy and Audi but now are on a much wider array of vehicles. The various finishes each have unique qualities that may be difficult to distinguish.

Standard silver Chevy rim finishes are the simplest to recognize. Plain silver has no sparkle, not dark or light but a standard grey silver finish. This stock option is just a basic dull silver color. This finish is often on steel wheels but can also be the original finish on aluminum rims. Sparkle silver is the same but with metallic flakes in the paint that give the Chevy wheel a shinier, sparkly look and whether those flecks are large or small, they give the OEM Chevy wheels their originality.

Hyper silver can look similar but with slight differences. There are darker hyper silver finishes that consist of a duller, darker version of silver. This finish gives the wheel a shady or smoke look caused by the dark undercoat and a light overcoat. Hyper silvers wheels have a lighter silver finish. These consist of a light base coat in addition to the light overcoat, which gives it a brighter silver finish. In addition to having a slight color difference, hyper silver rims do not contain any metallic flakes. Due to the special process that is used to create these hyper silver rims, it is often difficult to recondition them and create the exact same finish of the factory original Chevy wheel.

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