

We Buy and Sell New, Used, and Reconditioned Used Chevy Rims

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December 14, 2015

Reconditioned Wheels

A reconditioned Chevy wheel is actually a previously used Chevy wheel that had no major prior damage and has been refinished to look brand new.

Factory original used Chevy wheels are the initial product. These OEM Chevy used rims are inspected carefully for damage. If curb rash or face gouges are too deep, it may be deemed non-repairable. Additionally, the used Chevy wheels are inspected to ensure they run straight and true. Significantly bent factory Chevy wheels are not able to undergo the reconditioning process and instead scrapped. Curb rash, light scrapes, and other damage including minor bends or wobbles may be repairable.

Once these used Chevy rims pass the rigorous inspection, they are put through a process to return the used factory Chevy wheel back into its "fresh off the manufacturer's line" look as much as possible. The process of reconditioning does not weaken or damage the wheel.

During the reconditioning process, the wheel will be straightened, repaired, and metal may be added if need be. Machined Chevy wheels will be re-machined to ensure the original factory look and feel. Painted Chevy rims are as close to if not the exact color as the original. Polished wheels will get re-polished and Chrome Chevy wheels will get stripped and new chrome will be applied to the wheel.

The final product is a beautiful used factory original reconditioned Chevy wheel that looks just as good as new. We stand behind our reconditioned Chevy wheels and if for any reason you did not get what you ordered, contact us right away before the wheel is mounted or used and we will do what we can to ensure your satisfaction.

The Tire Industry Association (TIA) California Tire Dealers Association Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA)